Monday, April 13, 2009

My Kitchen

Hilarious, I should have maybe cleaned up the kitchen before I took this. I just love the colours in this pic and couldn't resist though!

More corners of my home

Sunday, April 12, 2009

To share or not to share?

I have struggled all along with whether or not I put photos of my children on this blog. They are so gorg its hard not too. But I have found that every time I go to post one of them, I get a not so nice feeling deep down in my tummy. So ....I am busting still, but have decided a compromise. I don't really want to Share my kids with the world......but I am willing to give you little snippets of them, whilst still protecting their identities. SO thats what I have done with the last two pics....hope you enjoy them.
This photo was taken back a few years ago at Sea World. I love it....Camila and Estella, little sisters are fun she used to say. Not anymore!!

I couldnt go past this one of Camila's Fairy outfit she got last year for her 5 years on earth.....Heavenly

Friday, April 3, 2009

Bad Blogger!

Well I'm officially the worst blogger. I actually forget about it, until my friend Sarah says, "Moni, update your blog, Ive been dropping into check it, and there is nothing new"....oops sorry Sarah. This one is for you, ill go and find something exciting to put up(found my charger) and ill be back.